2018 Oregon Archery Season
August 25-Sept. 23, 2018
**All bow hunts for Deer and Elk are over the counter tags. Tags and licenses can be purchased any time prior to the season opener.
2018 Oregon Rifle Buck Deer Season
Mule Deer Rifle Season Sept. 29-Oct 10, 2018
**Draw tags and Landowner tags available.
2018 Oregon Rifle Elk Season
1st Season- October 24-28th, 2018
2nd Season- November 3-11th, 2018
**Draw Tags and Landowner Tags available
2018 Oregon MOA Shooting School/Cow Elk Season
December 1, 2018-January 31, 2019
**Instructional, long range shooting school followed up by a cow elk hunt. Tags are draw tags and Landowner tags available.
Oregon Sheep Hunts
**Application info available upon request
Oregon Rocky Mtn. Goat Hunt
**Application info available upon request
Booking Policy
SMO books hunts on a first come, first serve basis; some of our hunts are over the counter guaranteed tags with a history of 100% draw odds. SMO typically books full annually and some of our hunts have a waiting list. It is imperative to book your deer and/or elk hunt early to ensure our availability lock your desired hunt date. Once in a lifetime hunt (Sheep, Rocky Mtn Goat and premium hunts) deposits are not required until you have drawn a tag.
Deposit Information
Sheep Mountain Outfitters require a 50% hunt deposit, plus license and tag fees if we are purchasing on behalf of the hunter. Upon booking, deposits are 100% non-refundable.
License, Tag and Application Information
All rifle elk, rifle mule deer, bighorn sheep, and rocky mtn goat tags are awarded through a draw system. The deadline for applications is May 15th. Results are typically available by June 20th. We also have Outfitter Tags (Deer/Elk only) available for non-residents to purchase, with an April 1st deadline. LOP tags (Land Owner Preference, Deer/Elk only) are available to draw on a first come first served basis.
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Info:
Hunting Regulations and Fee information is available at:
1-(800)708-1782 or www.dfw.state.or.us