Oregon Mule Deer
Mule deer may hold the biggest spot in our hearts. Simply said, we are “muley crazy”. The SMO group owns, leases and manages thousands of acres in Oregon’s finest mule deer habitat combined with top tier genetics. Our deer hunts are centered on quality. We take a limited number of hunters each year in order to ensure top end bucks. The best marketing tool for our hunt is simple; “actions speak louder than words”. Consistency is our key.

Archery Deer:
Our archery hunt is primarily spot and stalk which makes for some intense moments. Our target dates are the last week of August and first week of September as the bucks are typically still in their summer groups and more pattern-able. Patterns kill big deer!
Rifle Deer:
Our rifle deer hunt typically opens around October 1st. As always, mature bucks are more secluded this time of year which makes spot and stock the preferred method. By the time rifle season opens, we have spent countless hours scouting the country and typically have a good idea of our buck inventory.
Oregon statewide tags and Premium Tags:
With our passion being trophy deer, every year we find ourselves traveling the eastern part state hunting through late fall. Whether it’s with an early season or late season tag holder, scouring the winter ranges videoing or shed hunting, we are always looking for deer. If you have an interest in our services for a premium hunt, please don’t hesitate to contact SMO as we have a statewide network of muley crazy enthusiast.